There is a lot of confusion about the abortion pill, how it works, and what is considered safe. We’re here to answer all your questions and provide the services you need prior to making decisions about your pregnancy and reproductive health. While we provide consultations on your pregnancy options and can verify your pregnancy at no cost to you, providing abortion is banned in the state of Texas, and we do not provide or refer for abortion services.
Contact us to learn more about our free services and how we can help. Questions about abortion laws in Texas? We’ve got you covered
The abortion pill is actually several pills and two different drugs, which are typically taken in two separate doses. Other names for the abortion pill are medical, medication, or chemical abortion. It is sometimes referred to as an at-home abortion or 10-week-after pills. However, it is not an emergency contraceptive and should not be taken as one.
It is usually taken between 4-6 weeks, but it is FDA-approved up to 70 days after a woman’s last menstrual period. It should not be taken if the pregnancy is not verified or if you are possibly earlier than 4 weeks or later than 10.
The first dose blocks progesterone, a pregnancy hormone that helps the embryo develop. The second pill causes the uterus to expel the embryo, inducing contractions and early labor.
Side effects include bleeding, blood clots, heavy cramping, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea contractions, fever, infection, thinning of the uterine lining, allergic reactions, stomach and abdominal pain, uterine rupture, endometritis, and incomplete abortion.
It is usually taken between 4-6 weeks, but it is FDA-approved up to 70 days after a woman’s last menstrual period. It should not be taken if the pregnancy is not verified or if you are possibly earlier than 4 weeks or later than 10.
The abortion pill is not an option for people with certain medical conditions or if the pregnancy occurs outside of the uterus.
Because menstrual cycles can be unpredictable, an ultrasound should be performed so you can find out exactly how far along you are. It is dangerous to take the abortion pill if you are more than 10 weeks pregnant, have health conditions that make you ineligible for a chemical abortion, or have an ectopic pregnancy.
Ordering the abortion pill online or from a non-credible source can be unsafe for you. Below is the FDA Warning.
FDA Warning on Abortion Pills By Mail: Do Not Buy Mifeprex Over the Internet
You should not buy Mifeprex over the Internet because you will bypass important safeguards designed to protect your health. Mifeprex has special safety restrictions on how it is distributed to the public. Also, drugs purchased from foreign Internet sources are not the FDA-approved versions of the drugs, and they are not subject to FDA-regulated manufacturing controls or FDA inspection of manufacturing facilities.
Yes, reversal is possible if action is taken after the first dose. If you have recently taken the first pill and decided not to take the second, please contact Abortion Pill Reversal.
The cost of an abortion can vary based on several factors, including how far along you are and the type of abortion. We are not a provider and do not have information on abortion prices.
At your appointment, we can answer all your questions about second-trimester or late-term abortion procedures, side effects, recovery and pain management, and what to expect.
We can also confirm how far along you are and give you information and resources for pregnancy options in your first, second, or third trimester.
An aspiration abortion procedure can be performed up to 13 weeks after a woman’s LMP. It is the most common early surgical abortion method and it is an outpatient procedure.
A D&E abortion is typically performed 13 weeks or more after a woman’s last known period (LMP). It is the most common second-trimester surgical abortion method. Local anesthesia or sedation is commonly utilized.
Make an appointment to confirm your pregnancy. Even if you have a positive home pregnancy test, an ultrasound can help determine how far along you are and if the pregnancy is viable. If you are already miscarrying, you should not take the abortion pill.
We can also provide free options consultations in a professional, private, and pressure-free environment.
At Home Abortion Facts. (2023a, February 26). Abortion Health & Safety Checklist | At-Home Abortion Facts.
U.S. Food And Drug Administration. (Research) Information about Mifepristone for Medical Termination of Pregnancy Through Ten Weeks Gestation
Steupert, M. (2023, March 30). Five Things We Don’t Know about Abortion in the U.S. (but Could with Better Reporting) – Lozier Institute. Lozier Institute.
Reactions to abortion and subsequent mental health, The British Journal of Psychiatry, May 2009, Vol. 195, pp.420-426.
Abortion Pill Reversal. (n.d.-b). Overview.
Misoprostol side effects: common, severe, long term. (n.d.).
Fort Worth Pregnancy Center is a 501c3 non-profit in the state of Texas. All our services are provided at no cost to our clients. The education on this website is intended for general education purposes only and should not be relied upon as a substitute for professional counseling, medical or prenatal care. Please note, our center does not perform nor refer for abortion services. Contact us to learn more.