
Hello, Fort Worth! Heading to an Abortion Clinic in New Mexico, Kansas and Florida? 5 Reasons to Start With Us.
If you live in Texas and are looking for a provider in New Mexico or Colorado, get the health and safety answers you need to make an informed choice before you go. Not sure where to start? We can help you navigate your decision with cost-free services and compassionate care right here in Fort Worth. Confirm Your Pregnancy With a Free Ultrasound So, your period is late, your drugstore pregnancy test is positive, and a flood of emotions, thoughts, and feelings just washed over you. Now what? Carrying a pregnancy to term feels impossible, and you’re seriously considering abortion. Living in Texas, with limited access to abortion providers, you may feel overwhelmed and unsure of where to seek help. We understand the challenges you face when making pregnancy decisions. While we don’t perform or refer for abortion services, we can save you time and money while ensuring you receive the appropriate care needed if you are considering traveling across state lines. An ultrasound is an essential tool that can help determine the location of the pregnancy, establish viability, and rule out an ectopic pregnancy or a miscarriage. It is important to note that if you are experiencing an ectopic pregnancy,

Do I need “proof of pregnancy” before an abortion?
While a drugstore pregnancy test is convenient, it cannot provide the health and medical information needed to schedule an abortion. Before you book at an out of state abortion clinic, we can save you time and money but providing proof of pregnancy via ultrasound to verify viability (if the pregnancy is able to continue) and how far along you are. We can also provide lab-quality urine pregnancy testing if you think you might be pregnant. This test detects the presence of the hormone hCG, which the body produces during pregnancy. A limited ultrasound can be performed as early as 5.5 weeks from a woman’s last menstrual period. It is the only definitive way to diagnose a healthy, progressing pregnancy. During an ultrasound scan, a medical professional will ensure the pregnancy is occurring inside the uterus, look for and measure the heart rate, and measure the fetus to establish an estimated due date. An ultrasound can also rule out an ectopic pregnancy. This scan is quick and provides valuable information to aid in your decision-making process. It is important to note that our limited ultrasounds do not diagnose fetal abnormalities or gender. Note: Before you leave Texas or order abortion pills, having an ultrasound performed can

What Happens During an At-Home Abortion?
While skipping the abortion clinic and ordering online may look like an easy, stress-free, safe option, we’re here to help you understand the risks involved, what not to do, the information you need to know ahead of time, what to expect, and what to do if things go wrong at home. Your best first step is to confirm a viable intrauterine pregnancy and rule out an ectopic pregnancy, which can be life-threatening. An ultrasound can also tell you how far along you are. This information can determine whether a woman buys 5 or 9 pills. Book a cost-free consultation and ultrasound appointment. No insurance is required and same-day appointments are often available. Is it safe to order abortion pills by mail? FDA’s Official Warning: Do Not Order Online The abortion pill comes with a black box label, which is the highest level of caution assigned by the FDA. Taking the abortion pill without seeing a doctor or having an ultrasound is never recommended. The side effects range from unpleasant (cramping, bleeding, nausea, headache, fever) to life-threatening (sepsis, rupturing of the uterus, undiagnosed ectopic pregnancy, and more). Due to lack of regulations and unsafe medications, the FDA also issued a warning

What is a Misoprostol Only Abortion?
The recent order from the United States Supreme Court on the distribution of mifepristone, the first drug in a medication abortion (also known as Mifeprex), has caused significant controversy and discussion about the drug’s safety and legality. While the ruling allows the continued distribution of the drug according to current FDA regulations, that does not mean the case is over. The Supreme Court has sent the issue back to lower courts, meaning it may have to rule directly on the case’s merits in the future. With rumors of the FDA approval of mifepristone potentially being revoked, many women have questions about the legality of abortion pills and the safety and possibility of a misoprostol-only abortion. Some online abortion pill providers have pulled mifepristone from their sites, and women can no longer get abortion pills by mail. (Note: This is an active, ongoing court case. Information last updated May 2023.) What does Mifepristone do? Mifepristone, the first drug in the abortion pill regimen, works by blocking the hormone progesterone, which is needed for a pregnancy to continue. The drug causes the lining of the uterus to break down and cuts off nutrients the developing fetus needs to live. What does Misoprostol

When PMS Symptoms Are Signs of Pregnancy
As a woman, experiencing a range of physical and emotional symptoms is a natural part of our monthly cycle. However, the symptoms associated with premenstrual syndrome (PMS) and pregnancy can be very similar, sometimes making it difficult to tell the two apart. Let’s look closer at the shared symptoms of pregnancy and PMS and why seeking medical advice is essential if you’re unsure. Common PMS Symptoms PMS refers to the range of physical and emotional symptoms many women experience in the days leading up to their monthly cycle. The severity and type of symptoms can vary significantly between individuals. However, some of the most common symptoms include the following: Bloating: Feeling bloated is a common symptom of PMS, which can make you feel uncomfortable and cause your clothes to feel tight. Cramps: Menstrual cramps can occur before and during your period and range from mild to severe. Mood swings: Many women experience mood swings during PMS, which may include irritability, anxiety, and depression. Breast tenderness: Tender and sore breasts are common symptoms of PMS that can make wearing a bra or touching your chest uncomfortable. Fatigue: Feeling tired and lacking energy is a common symptom of PMS, which may

Is Plan B considered the abortion pill?
If you are looking for information about Plan B, the abortion pill, abortion clinic procedures, and what your pregnancy options are right now – we can help. Start with no-cost pregnancy testing, and if you qualify, an ultrasound to obtain proof of pregnancy and verify how far along you are. >> MAKE AN APPOINTMENT TODAY What is Plan B? Is the abortion pill an emergency contraceptive? Plan B, also known as the morning-after pill, is used as an emergency contraceptive designed to prevent pregnancy after contraceptive failure or to prevent an unwanted pregnancy. It is not the same as the abortion pill or a medication abortion. Plan B should not be taken if you may already be pregnant. If you are experiencing pregnancy symptoms, contact us to learn more about the confidential and cost-free pregnancy services we provide. How does Plan B work? Plan B morning-after pills are designed to prevent pregnancy before it occurs by delaying or inhibiting ovulation. It contains a high dose of levonorgestrel, a synthetic hormone that controls the release of an egg from the ovary or slows it long enough to prevent fertilization. If fertilization has already occurred, Plan B may prevent